Speak Up Be Safe Program (SUBS) Carol Sheenan, Director
Increases communication
Provides strategies to be
Reduces high risk behavior
Engages teachers
Reinforcement learning
Teacher is in the classroom
the entire time
3,500 students have been
served in 2013-14 throughout Lamorinda
1,100 students in Orinda have
6 opted out
80 Teachers from 3 districts answered
85% of Orinda Teachers would
recommend the SUBS program
266 Parents from 3 districts completed
survey and support the program
SUBS Program for 2014-15
Continue to provide SUBS
program in Lamorinda
Improvements – More small
group discussions and games.
Always open to feedback
Improve communication between
schools and parents/caregivers
More information will be
provided to parents in 2014-15
Take home information will go
home to parents
SUBS Discussion
Sara - Is there autonomy for
Orinda to make decisions?
Kathy - Lafayette has an
elementary teacher on the steering committee
Kathy - There’s also a
Psychologist on the steering committee
Kathy - Another classroom
teacher could participate
Sara – She wants a classroom
teacher on the committee
Sara – Is there a Board
member on the steering committee?
Sara – There have been parent
Sara – How was this program
Sara – Who developed the
Sara – What’s the review of
the curriculum?
Sara – What curriculum
changes will be made?
Sara – What is the process
for modifying the curriculum?
Sara – I would like to see
all the survey responses/comments
Carol – One time assemblies
are not the most effective way to present this information
Carol – We are more than
happy to modify the curriculum
Carol – All of the comments
from the survey were provided
Matt – Smaller group
instruction is better
Chris – What can we do to
better prepare teachers for individual interactions?
Charles – There are other
forms of harassment not being addressed such as harassment towards the LGBT
Local Control Accountability Plan (Kathy Marshall)
Up for Board Approval
There have been a few changes
due to County Office Feedback
Now you will see a clear link
between the single school plan and the LCAP
The Coordinating Council was
identified as the Parent advisory group
Other stakeholder groups were
EL, low income, and foster
youth action steps were highlighted (More clarity for sub-groups)
Where can our support for
expenditures be found? I Put an * and include
anticipated expenditures.
Needs of targeted students
were emphasized
Words were added to clarify
The county reviewed changes
and ready to accept the LCAP
By August 15th,
the County will approve the LCAP
Julie – How often will we
have to review the LCAP? Kathy -
Progress checks will occur annually.
Julie – How often will
modifications be made?
Loreen – I will check and get
back with you.
Sara – When will Site Plans
be aligned with the approved LCAP?
Kathy – Either in September
or October
Kathy – Each school will
present site plans that are aligned with the LCAP
2014-15 Adoption of the Budget
The 2014-15 budget was
presented at our last Board of Trustees meeting, on June 14,
Board Approved Unanimously
Resolution 14-17 for Budget Transfers
Board Approved Unanimously
AM Woo Construction, Inc (Proposed Amendment) for S.H. Restrooms
An RFP was sent out to Am Woo
Construction, Inc.
$41,600 to remodel Sleepy
Hollow bathrooms
Work will be completed before
school starts in the fall
BC Construction Contract
$49,900 to reconstruct a
retaining wall on the Kindergarten playground at Glorietta
Board Approved Unanimously
Best Contracting, Inc. for OIS & Del Rey Canopy Roofs
Ed – Cost is $450,000
Sara – Need better monitoring
to avoid an unsafe situation
Charles – With the canopy
roofs being so dangerous, I would hope there would be better monitoring in the
Board Approved Unanimously
Enterprise Roofing for Wagner Ranch Roofing
Ed - Enterprise Roofing Cost
is $379,281
Charles – I appreciate the
added energy efficiency by using a lighter color roof to help reduce the heat
gain inside the buildings.
Board Approved Unanimously
Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule (Dr. Jaconette)
Sara would like to change the
date of the last Board meeting
Joe says we need a Board
meeting in early August
Board Approved Unanimously
Consent Item G, Page 202
Change in Title III Funding
Board Approved Unanimously
Consent Item F – Amendment to BaySci Agreement (Page 40)
BaySci Partnership is an
elementary based program
8 districts participate
7 applied this year
Board Approved Unanimously
Consent Item R - Williams Uniform Complaints Quarterly Report
Sara - Air Conditioning needs
to be an immediate priority in some locations such as our computer labs
Board Approved Unanimously
Discussion Item B – Parcel Tax Independent Citizens’ Oversight
Committee Appointment (Loreen Farrell)
Chris – Would we like to
stagger appointments?
Chris – Should there be a
2-year or 4-year commitment?
Julie – How do we fill those
Loreen – No one expressed not
wanting to continue on this committee.
Sara – Why are there only 5
people on this committee? I would like 7
members on this steering committee.
Sara - Acalanes has a higher
number of people on a similar steering committee.
Julie – Why do we need 7
members on this committee?
Chris – Would a bigger number
of people be an impediment for scheduling dates?
Loreen – Yes. We tried to get all 5 to attend but things
Matt – The committee felt a
5-member committee was enough.
Sara – Greater participation
is healthy.
Sara – Were you thinking of
keeping the same 5?
Chris – With people wanting
to stay, I suggest increasing the commitment to 4 years.
Meeting dates: December/January and end of June
Chris – What would be a good
beginning term date?
Loreen – March/April
Chris – What do you think
about April 1st?
Sara – I’m not clear
Chris – Loreen will have the
committee make suggestions for length of term and staggering the terms.
Discussion Item C – Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 7214 –
General Obligation Bonds
This policy has been updated
to reflect the new law (AB182) that requires greater transparency for the use
of capital appreciation bonds and other bonds that allow for compounding of
interest. It also reflects the new law
(SB 581) that requires that the performance and financial audits be submitted
to the citizens’ oversight committee at the same time they are submitted to the
District. It also requires the Board to
respond to all findings, recommendations, and concerns within three months of
receiving the audits.
Sara – This looks fine
Information Item
Board Member Expense Report
Board Reports
Matt – Thanked Board members for
being at the OIS promotion.
Sara – She also thanked Board
members for being at the OIS promotion
Superintendent Update
Joe – We’re waiting for the
elevator inspection before moving into the new district office.
Future Agenda Items
Governance Handbook
Facilities Priority List
Fall - SUBS
SUBS Data points presented are clearly misleading!:
ReplyDelete"80 Teachers from 3 districts answered survey", and "85% of Orinda Teachers would recommend the SUBS program".
If only 80 teachers from 3 districts responded to the survey, then they didn't even get 85% of Orinda teachers responding. You can't conclude from that data that 85% of Orinda teachers recommend the SUBS program!