Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3/10/2014 School Board Meeting Highlights from OEA

3/10/2014 School Board Meeting Highlights
Notes from OEA
Public Comment: a large contingent of parents/community members spoke against the math changes occurring at OIS under Common Core. Their concern is that advanced students will not be able to achieve to their fullest under the new Common Core math program.

Employees of the Month: Marshall Sachs (certificated) and Carolyn Lyons (classified)

Financial Update presented by Lorene Farrell:
$1,757,157 undesignated balance 2014-15
Governor considering eliminating deferrals in upcoming year; should receive  monthly “paychecks.” This did not occur under deferrals during crisis years. OUSD owed 30%. 30% to be paid to OUSD and deferral practice to end this summer.
The LCFF target extends over an 8 year period and there is an annual COLA. At the end of 8 years, all schools in CA should be receiving the same ADA.
State Statuatory COLA:
2014-15 .86%
2015-16 1.12%

81% of expenses are salaries and benefits, just as before LCFF

 Trustee Moran asked about the post retiree pensions lifetime benefits through CALPERS
all employees receive lifetime supplemental medical benfits
certificated = $ 119.00 per month
classified =  “uncapped”

Charles Shannon spoke to the increased workload experienced by OUSD teachers and the challenge of “extra time” needed to maintain a quality program.

Trustee Severson was thanked for attending the Distinguished School audit at Glorietta School 3/7/14.

Trustee Krumholz: under LCFF/LCAP districts need to establish 8 goals for the accountability plan. Attended a CSBA workshop providing guidance for the new structure.
Trustte Butler suggested that the School Board needs to hold public meetings to gather community comment and supports community input

Positive certification authorized for 2014-16, 5:0

Lorene Farrell suggested increase in developers’ fees
$3.36 residential
$0.378 commercial/industrial
$0.245 hotel/motel
OUSD has an agreement with AUHSD to split developers’ fees 70% (OUSD) – 30% (AUHSD). Previously the HS district did not collect fees from the Lamorinda/WC communities ergo new agreement
Increased fees approved: 5-0

Brian Inglesby addressed: non-reemployment of temporary certificated employees.
OUSD has 7 temporary teachers. Brian recommended that this practice continue.
Discussion about leaves of absence (can be granted up to 2 years) and teachers on special assignment (literacy and tech specialist)
Charles Shannon pointed out that temporary teachers are evaluated every year; creates extra work for the teacher and administrator(s)
Trustee Rossitor moved to approve: 5-0

2014-2015 calendar adopted: 5-0

Request for OUSD support for AUHSD Parcel Tax (will be permanent): 5-0

** Board Bylaw 9100- Organization (discussion item)
Trustee Krumholz pointed out that policies are typically reviewed before making a change. 

Trustee Rossiter wishes to select a bylaw that will remove equal opportunity for trustees to serve as officers.

Bob Kadie and Colleen Sullivan spoke to the irregularities of the previous board election and the failure to provide equity and opportunity for each board member.

Trustee Kromholz spoke against Trustee Rossiter’s recommendation with the interest of maintaining trust and teamwork within the board.

** Budget Guidelines:
Dr. Jaconette: operational guidelines; not meant to be part of LCFF piece; first step for next year’s budget. Budget needs to be built and presented to the Board for approval.
Trustee Rossitor pointed out that Budget Guidelines used to be reviewed by the now cancelled Fiscal Advisory Committee and questioned if the Board is giving enough time to these guidelines. Trustee Butler suggested that the budget guidelines need alignment with LCAP.
3% reserve recommended by the CDE
OUSD policy = 9%
OUSD reserve currently at 22%
Discussion item

Mrs. Marshall: Tech Plan:
“Living document; look at each year as technology changes”
E-rate funding discounts to schools for affordable telecommunications and internet access. E-rate plans = 3 years; focus on ethical use and internet safety
Needs to have a strong staff development component
Smarter Balance Assessment Guidelines
Digital media skills outlined in Common Core standards
Internet and cyber safety
Preparation for online testing
School Loop
Student portfolios
International Standards Tech Ed standards for students and teachers

Upgrade paging systems
Establish a baseline for assessments
Annual bandwidth upgrades
Replace outdates devices

Ensure infrastructure and network will be maintained

“Missing component is a tech director.” KM

Plan will be reviewed by County and State to qualify for E-Rate funds

Trustees Moran and Butler thanked those who served on OTAC
Trustee Butler: expressed concern that pg 14 states upgrades will be funded from general fund and facilities. Trustee Butler surprised that general funds would be used since the reference is to equipment. KM: no other source of funding identified (what about Common Core tech money?). 

Tech Director: indicated a need to clarify value of this position and asked if the OTAC teacher representatives confer with teachers at their sites. She also asked for Board updates re: monitoring the tech plan

Trustee Rossitor raised question about how extensive list of harware on pg 13 of report would be funded. 

Trustee Krumholz estimated the value of purchase at half a million dollars. Dr. Jaconette indicated that a bill is being introduced for additional Common Core money. 

Mrs. Marshall indicated a need to prioritize purchases over a three-year period. 

Trustee Butler raised question about current tech techs in terms of full 12-month employment rather than 10 month contracts. She also asked if we have a tech director, do we have to continue our reliance on Marin IT.

Charles Shannon asked if the school Parents’ Clubs’ tech purchases are equitable throughout the district.

Board member activity reports:
Trustee Severson: Bus Committee: more $ available as funding is tied to sales tax; attended meeting at Glorietta during Distinguished School visit
Trustee Butler: attended music program at OIS; complimented program 
Dr. Jaconette: district choral program at OIS; complimented program

Trustee Butler requested Common Core math for OIS as agenda item due to parent expression at opening at meeting; and school discipline policies (different policies at each school site)
Trustee Butler requested that the Board look at how Board Meeting agendas are posted online.

1 comment:

  1. Re. Board Organization: The board's own bylaws were violated by the appointment of Matt Moran as the Vice President as he had already served as board president. Tyson Krumholtz has not and was the obvious choice. If the board ignores this policy, what other policies can also be ignored? It's a great loop hole for anyone with a beef.

    Matt Moran did not do the honorable thing by accepting the position of vice president, nor did Julie Rossiter by trying to discredit Mr.Krumholtz with accusations that he was 'too busy' to do a good job, when he had just served as chair of the Facilities Task Force.

    The board president has the considerable power of setting the board agenda, and as such, they have the power to keep off inconvenient items such as the admission of staff children to district schools.


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