Wednesday, November 19, 2014

CTA Saving and Investing for Retirement Conferences

· Planning for Retirement: How much will you need?
· ABCs of 403(b) and 457 Plans
· Investing Basics
· Working with a Financial Advisor and Understanding Fees
· CTA Resources: Model Portfolios, CTA Retirement Savings Plan
Chapters are encouraged to identify members who can share CTA 
resources and strategies to build capacity for organizing at the local 
chapter. There is no fee to attend. Participants are responsible for 
their travel expense.
RELEASE TIME for the pre-conference will be arranged and paid for by CTA for three
members per chapter at the Equity & Human Rights Conference and Good Teaching
Conferences, and two members per chapter at the Issues Conference with the
approval of the chapter president. Chapters may send members to one or more
(This conference requires a separate registration from the main CTA conference.)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November Board Highlights from OEA

Board Study Session on Facilities: 
(topics covered: AC, Solar, Energy Efficiencies & Prop 39, Portables, total Project list & New projects)

November Board Highlights
Video link part 1
Video link part 2

Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) account to pre-fund post-employment benefits
Cost to district of OPEB is @$457,000. per year and has been ear-marked in he general fund. About 36 districts in CA use irrevocable trust accounts to fund this. OUSD lawyers have not reviewed the agreement and will not be included in decision-making.

Trustee Rossiter wants to take a prudent approach and deposit @$150,000 and leave it to roll forward and pay the $457,000 from the general fund. The $150,000 represents a 1% cost for all teachers sans benefits. Trustee Moran suggested $544,000 from Fund 17 (which has $1.3 million. Fund 17 is for ‘economic uncertainty’ aka a rainy day fund), and $457,000. from the general fund.  

Trustee Butler is encouraging a prudent step as funds may be added at a later date.
Trustee Krumholz asked for what purposes Fund 17 monies may be used. One-time.

The board approved 3-2 (Krumholz, Moran, Severson for, Rossiter and Butler voted against) to deposit funds following Trustee Moran’s suggestion.

Wagner Ranch School Plan – accepted

Northwest Capital Recovery Group: analyzes school district utility bills for errors and line-item expense reductions. Will look at retroactive statements. NWCRG specializes in recovering overcharges in electricity, natural gas, water, sewer, garbage and shredding. Contract unanimously approved.

Parcel Tax Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee Appointment
Recommended Daniel Pier and Eileen Pummer to fill the four-year term appointments. Unanimously approved.

Glorietta Playground Project
Demolition of existing primary playground, curb and sand area. Will prepare the sub surface and install the pour-in-place surfacing. $98,192.50. Robertson Industries.
Unanimously approved.

District Goals: unanimously approved

Local Control Accountability Plan
Discussion about how to gather public comments.

2014-15 Professional Development Report
Kathy Marshall presented a plethora of staff development concepts for district

Trustee Rossitor asked how information is collected from the teachers. KM responded that the Curriculum Committee collected information over a three-week period from teachers at sites. Information was collated at the October Curriculum Committee Meeting.

Trustee Butler asked if teachers are getting the materials they need in terms of instructional materials. KM assured that teachers have materials. Trustee Severson asked how new teachers are supported in learning Orinda methods. KM affirmed that new teachers receive support from site coaches.

Charles Shannon supported teachers helping teachers.

Board Committee Reports:
·      Trustee Moran met with Dr. Jaconette and Parents’ Club Presidents
·      Fire Drill at DR
·      Dr. Jaconette: Parents’ Club Meetings
·      Science night at Glorietta School on Wednesday, November 5

·      Trustee Butler requested AC and portables’ buyout on a near future agenda and LCAF again on agenda in a couple of months.