Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Work Together, We Need You: Nominations for OEA Now Open

Hello Colleagues,
It’s time to elect representatives and leadership for our association for next year. Be part of our vital team, be there for your colleagues and speak up for what is right for teachers and our students. Help strengthen our contract as you develop your own leadership skills and enjoy the ability to have real influence over the direction of our district.
We need members from different sites to actively participate in leadership and/or representation of the teachers in Orinda. Please consider stepping forward to serve on behalf of all of us during your tenure in OUSD. The positions of Recording secretary and Membership Secretary are good entry positions on the Executive Board.
         Attached you will find a timeline, nomination form and jobdescriptions. Please feel free to self nominate. You may decline before the ballot is published, but it would be good for us to know of anyone who is considering the possibility.
If you wish to nominate someone else, please talk with them to determine their willingness to serve. Charles Shannon will contact all those nominated before placing their name on a ballot. This year we will be asking candidates to write a 30-word declaration of their candidacy.
Who at your site would represent your interests, communicate regularly with you, and be an advocate for you as needed if issues arise at your site? Yourself? An esteemed colleague who would at the least, be tickled to be asked? Nominate for OEA to keep us vital and effective.
Thank you,
Charles Shannon,
OEA President


  1. Where are the OEA Standing Rules that are refered to in the link in message above?

  2. The info at the link refers to the Bylaws. How can we access the current Bylaws?


We welcome your constructive, civil comments that respect the privacy of others in our community.