Part 1:
Meeting Highlights by Colleen Sullivan, OEA VP
Employees of the
Scott Adams, 3rd Grade, Del Rey
Joan Seldon, aide, Sleepy Hollow
Public Comment:
1) David Greenstone, K class Glorietta: would like everyone
in America to be treated nicely.
2) Mrs. Greenstone: objected to Mrs. Storch being designated
as caregiver status in order for Vivien to attend school. Her mother is her
primary caregiver.
3) Lindsey: played a recording in Spanish from Vivien’s
mother. Described how challenging and difficult this experience has been for
herself and Vivien. She feels unwanted and hopes that others never experience
what she has. She wanted her child to receive a good education.
4) Katie: from an Employment Coalition: spoke to the
valuable work that low/unskilled workers do, Often poorly treated, majority of
domestics are women supporting their own families. State-wide coalition
watching this case.
5) Neil Gilbert: focused on insensitive process and
questionable leadership; appointment of a Fiscal Advisory Committee that met in
private, took no minutes and included an individual who received business
contracts from the district, lack of action against objectionable behavior by
former WR principal, bonus paid to Supt. when moving offices, has created
humiliation for the the community of Orinda, lack of compassion, level of
arrogance. Transcript.
6) Sarah Sanderson: Hand-in-Hand: Nat’l Organization for
Domestics: encouraged sensitivity and due process, domestic worker side-lined,
need to be recognized for valuable contributions. Change practices.
7) Mrs. Storch: grew
up in Orinda and attended schools here. Previously believed Orinda was
includive. Investigator lied to Mr. Storch and Maria; investigator masqueraded as a police officer;
5 days until Vivien would be unenrolled; no appeal offered. Maria supplied
appropriate documentation. Why was her documentation considered invalid? District wasted money. Leadership needs to
8) Stephanie Sierra: attorney; the district’s attorney
probably assured the Board what ws done was OK. Reminded the Trustees that they
may change policy and change administration. Are there residents in the
community who point out individuals of color? Tax dollars to go to wards
9) Ayala Oshri, Orinda Mother: wearing pink for a pink slip for the superintendent and Vivien; identified school district as strong in
academics and “all the rest = F.” Encouraged transparency.
10) Val Sloven: appalled by district position; objected to
the district first recourse of an investigator; district humiliated two
families; Trustees need to review their policies
11) Bob Kadie: Trustees claimed to not know about
investigator; need a human response as to why this happened rather than a legal
response. The person who launched the investigation should be held accountable
12) Sue Boudreau: if OUSD defines residency as seven nights a
week in an Orinda bed, what about students who have homes in Tahoe? Encouraged
change in legal unenrollment policy that would allow a student to complete a
full school year. Rebrand as a compassionate community. Transcript.
13) Sue Severson, former Trustee: “we welcome and embrace
all students in the interdistrict transfer process.” Commended the district for
accepting out of district students. Many families move here for the schools and
community. Thanked the Trustees and Superintendent
for their service to the community. “You have a tough job.”
14) Jack from Lafayette:
the pall has extended to Lafayette; not a case of insensitivity; case
for racial discrimination; loss of trust in the community; take the bigger
view, admit something went wrong and make the change
15) Cindy Jaconette: Joe Jaconette turned down a job in business in
order to teach; husband acts justly and does the right thing for the right
reasons, is caring and follows the law. He put Vivien first in his actions;
made sure she stayed in the same class with her friends; ethical and fair man
who leads a fair district.
Discussion about
playground improvements at Wagner Ranch; concern about rising costs. Matt
Moran wants to move forward with repairs due to safety concerns. Contract with
HY Architects approved.
Oath of Office for
Carol Brown, Jason Kaune and Julie Rossiter.
Board Officers’
positions. Trustee Rossiter nominated Matt Moran as Board President. No other nominations. Mr. Moran is Board President.
Trustee Kaune nominated himself as VP. Seconded by Trustee
Trustee Moran nominated Trustee Rossitor as VP. Trustee
Rossitor seconded herself.
Both Moran and Rossitor have previously been president.
Trustee Butler encouraged the opportunity for Trustee Kaune.
Public comment unanimously encouraged rotatied officerships.
Jason Kaune elected
VP by Brown, Butler and Kaune.
Committee Representatives:
CCC School Board Association: Sarah Butler/Carol Brown
EFO: Jason
Kaune/Carol Brown
Legislative Committee: Sarah Butler
Lamo Bus Meetings: Matt Moran/Jason Kaune
First Interim
Narrative Report by Lorene Farrell: Board authorized to sign
contracts/payments: approved
Local Control Funding
Formula has increased by $224,736.00. Federal funding decreased by $407.00.
State funding increased by $61,933.00 Local unrestricted funding decreased by
$41,011.00 due to decrease in Parents’ Club funding. Books and supplies =
$1,490,954.00. (15-16)
Contract services $3075,533.00 (15-16)
An increase in Parcel Tax funds is expected. Anticipates
$500.00 per parcel from Orinda Parcel Tax: 35,000 parcels. Some new parecels
via Pulte and Wilder.
OUSD will remian solvent during the next two years. Report
Confidetial Employees do not have affordable health care. Offering $250.00
per month for FTE. Under Affordable Health Care Act OUSD is out of compliance.
Report: looking forward to working with new Trustees. Attended local tree
lighting. Elementary and middle schools performances were “spectacular.” Kudoes
to music teachers.
With Trustees, visited Glorietta School
Future Agendas:
Trustee Butler asked for an additional meeting re; residency policy and review
of current policies. Would also like to review LCAP process. Revisit solar and
air conditioning asap
Trustee Rossitor: wants information about extended day K
K teachers are encouraged
to contact Trustees re: full day Kindergarten
Adjourned to closed session
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