Saturday, October 4, 2014

OUSD Goals Input Meeting Report

School districts set goals for a variety of reasons - the best being to use the process to align the interests of many stakeholders, and to put a plan in place for how to attain those goals. Orinda used to have a strategic plan using the Baldridge Improvement Process.

Several of the top 10 districts in California have developed strategic plans including Mill Valley and Moraga. Mill Valley's strategic plan involved 1,000 stakeholders over several months, and produced a document that puts students and their teachers first. Their plan is regularly updated. You can see it here.

Our process and draft goals follow.

The Process:
OUSD Goals were written first with input from site leadership in August. The Superintendent then fleshed out the four bolded goals. The first draft was presented to the Co-ordinating Committee of leadership staff, parent club presidents and two board members in mid September. The second draft was circulated to the remaining board members. Teachers did not get an official draft copy to give input to. We did give e-mail input to goals previously published, to our site representatives. Three reps and OEA president Charles Shannon saw the revised goals for the first time on Tuesday 30th September at the OEA input meeting. Here is the result of that meeting.


I.                  Implement the Orinda Local Control Accountability Plan for 2014-15

A.             Create a timeline that meets state requirements for the Annual Review Process (by November 2014). 

Lorreen – The district will be doing backwards planning.

B.             Align goals, services, outcomes, and expenditures into the new state template for the 2014-15 Annual Review Update (by May 2015)

C.            Provide communication to parents and staff on the progress and accomplishments of LCAP implementation (November 2014, March 2014, June 2015) 

OEA - Promote effective communication between and among staff,
parents/guardians, administration, trustees, and the community-at-large.

OEA – Make sure information is communicated through multiple forms
with a feedback loop to make sure stakeholders are informed and can give feedback that can create real change.

OEA - Utilize digital and “out-of- the-box” media to improve communication.

OEA - Evaluate satisfaction levels of parent/guardian, student, community, and staff on an on-going interactive basis.

OEA - Complete annual surveys and communicate general results to the community.

OEA - Offer opportunities for the community to interface with district, site administrators, and school board members at scheduled events.

OEA - Meet regularly to assess short and long-term communications and strategize on how to proactively communicate key issues to stakeholders.

OEA - Continue to explore partnerships with neighboring school districts (professional development, curriculum & instruction, business services, technology, etc.).

D.            Present annual updates to stakeholder groups for input (by May 2014)

E.             Hold a Public Hearing on the 2014-15 Annual LCAP Review Report (by May 2014)

F.             Present the 2014-15 Annual Review Report at a second Public Hearing prior to Board approval on or before the last Board Meeting in June 2015. (by June 2015)

II.                  Student Achievement:  Maintain strong academic standards that will challenge student learning of the Common Core State Standards and continue to promote positive school climates district-wide  (Curriculum Plan Goals for 2014-15)

A.             Implement LCAP Goals 1-5

B.             Implement Curriculum Plan Goals for 2014-15

1.     Align curriculum programs and instructional practices to support full implementation of the CCSS and CAASPP testing (by June 2015)

a)    Revise Board Policies to align with CCSS and new state assessments (by September 2014)

b)    Pilot textbooks and instructional programs for potential adoption (by Jun 2015)

c)    Provide professional development on new curriculum programs and CAASPP testing preparation for staff and students (by June 2015)

OEA - Offer a quality and differentiated professional development program for staff that includes a combination of grade level collaboration, peer observations, teacher leaders, trainers, conferences, and training institutes.

OEA – Increase overall participation of staff in quality professional development programs and establish a mechanism for training evaluation, feedback, and implementation.

OEA - Utilize innovative teachers to lead staff development.

OEA - Research the possibility of distance learning opportunities for students and teachers.

OEA - Send teachers to other schools to observe innovative teaching practices.

OEA - Provide funds for teacher innovations grants.

OEA - Offer professional development based on staff Professional Development (PD) survey.

d)    Implement common curriculum calendars, K-8, for Reading Writing and Mathematics (by Jun 2015)

e)    Implement CCSS elementary report card (June 2015)
OEA – Will teachers be able to give additional feedback? 

Kathy – Yes.  This is a pilot year and the report cards can be further revised. 

OEA – Did you say the District has spent too much money to have changes made on OARS and will not make further changes?

Kathy – No.  This is a pilot year and changes can be made for next year.

f)      Develop a district vision for science instruction in preparation for 2015-16 Next Generation Science Standards (by March 2015)

OEA – There should be a science committee of teacher representatives from each site who work with their colleagues to create a district vision for science instruction in preparation for 2015-16 Next Generation Science Standards. (There is, this is in process - Sue B, OIS Science).

g)    Research and review current character development programs, for consistency, inclusiveness, and effectiveness (by May 2015)

OEA – This sounds like one more program teachers will be directed to teach without the time and compensation to make it happen.

h)    OEA - Establish a partnership with colleges/universities to help train and recruit teachers from diverse backgrounds.

i)      OEA - Work to strengthen OUSD’s emergency response by working with local law enforcement, fire, and insurance on safety risk management.

III.                  Fiscal
Develop a long range budget plan to maintain the District’s fiscal solvency

OEA – Who is going to develop this plan?
Lorreen – Fiscal Advisory Committee
OEA -  How long of a time frame is ‘long range’?
Loreen – Current year plus 3 additional years

OEA – By ‘maintain’, does that mean the District wants to maintain operating with a 28% reserve? 

Lorreen – No, not specifically.  The District needs both the ending fund balance and cash flow to get a positive certification from the county.

OEA – How much of a reserve does the district need to maintain?

Joe – The Board gives direction on this.

OEA – Wouldn’t this be the mandated 3% plus the 6% the Board is comfortable with? 

Joe – The Board decides what the reserves should be.

A.             Explore ways to reduce costs through more efficient practices (reduce and conserve resources)

OEA – Who is going to do the exploring? 

Lorreen – The Fiscal Advisory Committee

OEA – What costs will be reduced?

Loreen – The Fiscal Advisory Committee will make recommendations to the Board.

OEA - How much of a reduction are they hoping to achieve? 

Lorreen – The Fiscal Advisory Committee will explore what’s possible and recommend this to the Board.

B.             Maximize current resources in order to reduce ongoing expenditures
OEA - Maximize – to what extent? 
Lorreen – The Fiscal Advisory Committee will explore this.
OEA – What ‘current resources’ does the District have in mind?
Loreen – The Fiscal Advisory Committee will explore this.

C.            OEA - Target total staff compensation in top quartile of comparable districts by conducting a current staff total compensation analysis including salary, health and welfare benefits, step and column requirements, and work conditions.
Joe – I’m not going comment on this since the District is still in negotiations with OEA.

D.            OEA - Produce an annual report of total compensation comparisons and a plan for bridging possible gaps in moving towards the top quartile.

Joe – I’m not going comment on this since the District is still in negotiations with OEA.

E.             OEA - Provide staff oversight/review and monitoring of ongoing expenses/commitments including total compensation.

F.            OEA - Review the Board’s adherence to the level of reserves in OUSD’s budget.

IV.                  Technology
Implement Year 1 of the District adopted Technology Plan with best practices to support students and staff in a 21st Century learning environment

A.             Support and sustain technology infrastructure

1.     Document and review existing network and server environment to identify areas for improvement.

2.     Upgrade production server operating systems to a minimum of Windows Server 2008R2

3.     Spec and roll out a new classroom paging system

OEA – Our phone/paging system is not that old and still works well.

Joe – Our paging system and phones are not all working and we need to upgrade them.

4.     Assess and prepare the infrastructure and support to ensure the successful implementation of CAASPP testing

OEA - Our technology support for CAASPP makes it difficult to use this same technology for Lexia and other interventions.

OEA - Develop and implement a technology professional development model that includes “in-class” instructional coaching and support.

B.             Integrate technology with instructional and business practices

1.     Provide ongoing staff development to meet end user needs

2.     Review existing business practices for opportunities for increased tech integration (ex: virtual meetings, standardized email distribution lists)

3.    OEA - Develop and implement a progressive plan to effectively move toward providing innovative devices (i.e. mobile tablets) on a grade- appropriate student to device ratio.

4.     OEA - Highlight the use of technology that enhances student learning.

5.     OEA - Identify top tier schools and programs to send our District Technology Director to visit and make recommendations to adopt best practices.

6.     OEA - Continue to develop a plan to fund maintenance of current infrastructure and support future needs/ upgrades.

7.     OEA – Create a model plan that increases levels of classroom technology integration.

V.                  Facilities
Improve our facilities with available funding to create a better learning environment.

A.             Secure Funds for Facility Improvements

1.     Utilize available programs from the state, i.e.: Prop 39. Grants, Rebate Programs, Energy Savings from rebates by PG&E.

B.             Implement next phase of Facility Task Force Priority Projects

1.     Prioritize remaining projects and update timeline.

2.     Prepare estimates.

3.     Go out to bid

C.            Complete the Energy Plan and implement projects that ensure savings and a comfortable learning/teaching environment.

1.     Energy Conservation
2.     HVAC Controls
3.     Air Conditioning
4.     LED lighting
5.     Occupancy sensors for lighting.
6.     Solar

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