Friday, August 15, 2014

August Board Meeting Highligts

Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
District Office Conference Room A
8 Altarinda Road, Orinda, CA 94563
Link to video of the meeting part 1, part 2

I.               Opening Business
II.             Public Comment Period on Closed Session Items
III.            Closed Session Item – Adam Seville will be the new Principal of Wagner Ranch
IV.          Reconvene in Open Session – 6:00pm
V.            Public Comment Period – Charles welcomed new Directors to the District
VI.          Consent Calendar – Adopted by the Board
VII.         Action Items
A.      Settlement Agreement with BC Construction (Low bidder for Glorietta Project)
(The Director of Facilities will present a settlement agreement for the Glorietta kindergarten retaining wall.)
·      2 days into the project there were problems
·      Ed continued to answer questions
·      BC Construction didn’t know what they were doing on this job
·      Ed called legal council
·      District came up with a reasonable way to solve issue
·      Pay BC Construction $2,000 to save legal fees
·      Ed recommends that the Board approves this settlement
·      Board approved Settlement Agreement with BC Construction (Unanimous Approval)

B.     Contract with Pacific Coast General Engineering for Glorietta (Kindergarten Retaining Wall)
(The Director of Business Services will present a second reading of the revised policy for Board approval.)
·      $68,873 Bid
·      Ed recommends Approval of contract with Pacific Coast Engineering
·      Board approved Settlement Agreement with BC Construction (Unanimous)

     C.  Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 7214 – General Obligation Bonds
          (The Director of Business Services will present a second reading of the revised     
          policy for Board Approval).
·      The District does not currently have a Bond
·      Approved by the Board

VIII.       Discussion Items
A.  2014-15 Budget Update
(The Director of Business Services will share the latest information on the    
Governor’s Adopted Budget.)
·      State Budget signed on June 20, 2014
·      State budget provides $250 million dollars in LCFF funding above the May Revise estimates.
·      Total apportionment is $4.7 Billion
·      $400.5 million dollars has been apportioned to buy down K-12 prior year mandated cost claims.
·      Budget included $4.7 billion to buy down cash deferrals in 2014-15 and leaves a balance of $897.2 million in deferrals. 
·      The increased gap percentage for 2014-15 nets the District an increase in funding of approximately $60,000.00 over the May Revise.
·      There will be an estimated $160,000 for one-time mandated cost reimbursements.
·      Local Control Funding Formula Target $18,107,819.41 (Moving target each year).  Our current 2014-15 LCFF Entitlement is $15,590,586.
·      There is a “Held Harmless” agreement so we don’t receive less than in P2 of 2013-14
·      Each year, we receive 29.5% towards the target
·      2020-21= Full implementation (When we get to our target, all districts will get the same base amount).
·      Final State Adopted budget includes a CalSTRS plan which includes a smaller employer contribution rate increase for 2014-15 and consistent increases up to final implementation as compared to the May Revise. 
·      CalSTRS Rates are set through 2020-21 and these costs are increasing.  In 2013-14, the district paid 8.25% towards CalSTRS.  In 2014, the district will pay 8.88%.  By 2020-21, the district will have to pay 19.10%.  On the other hand, members (teachers) will pay 8.15% in 2014-15 and 9.205% by 2020-21. 
·      Matt – I’m not happy with the cost of CalSTRS for the District
·      Tyson – Does an employee have to belong to CalSTRS?  Loreen – Not sure.
·      CalSTRS increase to the district in 2014-15 is $219,944 (Mostly one-time in nature)

Multi Year Projections:
·      2014-15 up by 1.51%
·      2015-16 down by 9.71%
·      2016-17 up by 3.81%

Reserve Restriction
·      Senate Bill 858 was passed (Power Point provides this information)
·      State voters may enact Prop 44, the proposed “Rainy Day Fund” in November 2014; and,
·      The state makes a contribution to the Proposition 98 Reserve created by that proposition, in the following year
·      District reserves would be limited to two times the state minimum
·      For this to happen, Proposition 44 has to pass and the state has to make a contribution to the prop 98 fund

·      Matt – What does our current class size 20/1 cost the district since the State average has increased to 24/1?  Loreen – Having 4 fewer students per class costs the district $729/child at full implementation (We are now receiving 40%)

B.  2014-15 Enrollment Update (Changing by the hour)
     (The Director of Business Services will provide current enrollment numbers  
     and projections for the coming school year.)
·      Projected Enrollment 2,456
·      Current Enrollment 2,498
·      Numbers may be inflated a bit because of students moving away
·      New enrolment daily
·      We will know more by mid-week
·      Our 2014-15 revenue is based on our prior years’ ADA (2013-14 = 2,502) 
·      Our budget will not increase until the prior year enrollment increases
·      We are close to flat enrollment

C.  2013-14 Developer Fee Report
(The Director of Business Services will present the annual developer fee report for fiscal year 2013-14)
·      Fees doubled from last year
·      Used to offset the cost of growth for the District
·      Used for additions and reconstruction
·      We receive 70% of fees and Acalanes receives 30%

D.  Resolution on Local Reserves Cap
(The Board of Trustees will consider adopting a resolution on local reserves cap.)
·      Review & Discussion

                  E.  Other Post Employment Benefit Liability (OPEB)
(The Director of Business Services will present options for addressing the District’s OPEB liability.)
·      Matt wants to set money aside for this unfunded liability
·      Matt – How much would our attorney charge to set up a trust?
·      Julie – Pay-as-you-go is irresponsible
·      Chris – This is money we have already spent

F.  Facilities Summer Projects (Ed Silvas)
(The Director of facilities will present a summary of Summer Facilities Projects.)
·      This summer has been busy with numerous projects going on throughout the District.
·      Matt – District fields are looking really bad and I would like to repair them over time.

G.   Board Policy 6011 – Academic Standards
(The Director of Curriculum & Instruction will present a first reading of the revised policy.)
·      Statewide standards serve as the basis for the State’s curriculum frameworks and State assessment of core curriculum areas.
·      2010 – State Board of Education adopted new standards for ELA and Math.
·      2012 – District teachers, staff, and administrators began making the transition to using the Common Core State Standards by revising and redesigning instructional units, benchmark and formative assessments, and progress reporting tools to focus on the new standards and not on CST blueprints or similar CST-based guidance.
·      2013 – OUSD Three Year Curriculum Plan was developed to address and support these shifts for professional development, instructional materials, and assessments.
·      January 2014 – The Common core State Standards Expenditure Plan was approved to support these shifts.
·      June 2014 – The goals outlined in the Local Control Accountability Plan for implementation of the CCSS were approved.

H.  Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 6162.51 – State Academic  
     Achievement Tests (The Director of curriculum & Instruction will present a
     first reading of the revised policy.)
·      English Language Arts & Mathematics Focus
·      We will be communicating expectations to parents
·      The Superintendent or designee shall ensure the proper articulation of standards between grade levels and among schools and the alignment of these standards with the district’s vision and goals, promotion requirements, and other desired student outcomes.  He/she shall also ensure that the standards are easily understandable and measurable.
·      The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is the official name for our summative assessment developed by the SMARTER Balanced Consortium to align with Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics.   The first full administration of these assessments will occur in the spring of 2015.

I.       Board Policy 6142.91 – Reading/Language Arts Instruction
(The Director of Curriculum & Instruction will present a first reading of the revised policy.
·      In August 2010, the State Board of Education adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English-Language arts in accordance with Education Code 60605.8 consisting of a set of national standards in English Language Arts with additional standards added by California.  The content standards for California were modified in March 2013.
·      July 2014 – State Board approved ELA Framework and incorporates the California Common Core State Standards for ELA and Literacy in History/Social Science, Science, and Technical Subjects and ELD Standards.
·      All California schools are expected to implement the CCSS in the 2014-15 school year.
·      Charles – Teachers need time during their duty day to grade trimester assessments.

                  J.       Board Policy 6142.92 – Mathematics Instruction
(The Director of Curriculum & Instruction will present a first reading of the revised policy.)
·      August 2010 – The State Board of Eduction adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for mathematics in accordance with the Education Code 6060.8 and then modified in January 2013.
·      November 2013 – The State Board of Education adopted the Mathematics Framework.
·      The State Assessment system has transitioned to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), which is aligned with the CCSS, and will be administered in the sping of 2015.
·      Julie - There should be a commitment by the Board to make sure students can take the highest level of math that they have the aptitude for
·      Chris – He’s not sure what type of language to include and will have Kathy figure this out.
·      Joe – Let us work on some options and bring it back.

K.      Board Policy 5123 – Promotion/Acceleration/Retention
(The Director of Curriculum & Instruction will present a first reading of the revised policy.)
·      This policy and regulations delineate requirements for retention and the district’s responsibility to provide supplemental instruction for students in grades 2-6 who have been identified at being at risk of retention.
·      The Board of Trustees expects students to progress through each grade level within one school year.  To accomplish this, instruction shall be designed to accommodate the variety of ways that students learn and include strategies for addressing academic deficiencies when needed.
·      Students shall progress through the grade levels by demonstrating growth in learning and meeting grade-level standards of expected student achievement.
·      When high academic achievement is evident, the teacher may recommend a student for acceleration into a higher grade level.  The student’s maturity level shall be taken into consideration in making a determination to accelerate a student.
·      As early as possible in the school year, the Superintendent or disignee shall identify students who should be retained and who are at risk of being retained in accordance with law, Board policy, administrative regulation, and the following criteria.
·      Students shall be identified for retention on the basis of grades and other indicators of academic achievement shall also be used:  State assessments administered pursuant to Education Code 6064060649 universal screening results, unit and/or trimester district assessment results applicable to current grade level.
·      When any student in grades 2-8 is retained or recommended for retention, the Superintendent or designee shall offer an appropriate program of remedial instruction to assist the student in meeting grade-level expectations. 

Things added:
·      TK has been added
·      We no longer have the STAR results
·      We have unit assessments for math

                  L.      Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5144 - Discipline
(The Director of Curriculum & Instruction will present a first reading of the revised policy.)
·      February 11, 2013 – Discipline policy revised
·      The policy and regulations delineate acceptable student conduct and provide direction for sound disciplinary practices with a focus on correcting student behavior while avoiding an adverse effect on student learning or health.  The regulation outlines alternative means of correction and disciplinary strategies in lieu of suspension, when applicable.
·      The Orinda goal for addressing student engagement and school climate is listed on page 12 of Orinda’s Local Control Accountability Plan.  The specific actions related to school climate are listed on page 18-19 of Orinda’s Local Control Accountability Plan.
·      We need to address school climate and provide positive intervention for students.  This reinforces what we have previously approved.
·      Site-level rules shall be consistent with district policies and administrative regulations.  In developing these rules, the school shall solicit the participation, views, and advice of one representative selected by each of the following groups:  Parents/guardians, teachers, school administrators, school security personnel, if any.
·      The final version of the rules shall be adopted by a panel comprised of the principal or designee and a representative selected by classroom teachers employed at the school.
·      Each school shall fine a copy of its rules with the Superintendent or designee and the Board may review these rules.
·      School rules shall be communicated to students clearly and in an age-appropriate manner. 
·      Each school shall review its site-level discipline rules at least every four years. 
·      It shall be the duty of each employee of the school to enforce the school rules on student discipline.
·      To the extent possible, staff shall use alternative means of correction that keep students in school and participating in the instructional program.  Except when a student’s presence causes a danger to himself/herself or others or he/she commits a singe act of a grave nature or an offence for which suspension or expulsion is required by law, suspension or expulsion shall be used only when other means of correction have failed to bring about proper conduct.
·      Charles – The District needs to provide a safe, nondiscriminatory school environment for Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming students.

M.      Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5144.1 – Suspension and Expulsion Due Process (The Director of Curriculum & Instruction will present a first reading of the revised policy.)
·      Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process is a mandated policy that outlines specific procedures and requirements for protecting the safety and well being of all students.  The policy was previously revised on February 4, 2013 to reflect new laws requiring fair, consistent enforcement of the suspension and expulsion of students.
·      AB 256 – A student may be disciplined for bullying by means of an electronic act even when the act originated off campus.
·      The goal for addressing school climate is listed on page 12 with specific actions on page 18-19 of Orinda’s Local Control Accountability Plan.
·      Except when otherwise permitted by law, a student may be suspended or expelled only when his/her behavior is related to a school activity or school attendance occurring within any district school or other school district, regardless of when it occurs.
·      A teacher may remove any student from his/her class for the remainder of the day and the following day only for acts specified in Education Code 48900 and for any act listed in “Grounds for Suspension and Expulsion”.  The teacher shall immediately report this action to the principal/designee and then send the student to the principal or designee for appropriate action.  If that action requires the continuing presence of the student at school, he/she shall be appropriately supervised during the class periods from which he/she has been removed.  As soon as possible, after the teacher decides to remove the student, the teacher shall ask the student’s parent/guardian to attend a parent-teacher conference regarding the removal. 
·      A student removed from class shall not be returned to class during the period of removal without the approval of the teacher of the class and the principal. 
·      A student removed from class shall not be placed in another regular class during the period of removal. 
·      The teacher of any class from which a student is removed may require the student to complete any assignments and tests missed during the removal.
·      Pursuant to Board policy, a teacher may provide that the parent/guardian of a student whom the teacher has removed attend a portion of a school day in his/her child’s classroom.  When a teacher makes this request, the principal shall send the parent/guardian a written notice that the parent/guardian’s attendance is requested pursuant to law.
·      OUSD needs to develop fair systems for suspension and expulsion

IX.      Information Items
A.    Fund 40 Expenditures Summary Report
·      The Special Reserve Fund for Capital Facilities (Fund 40) was established in 1989 primarily for revenues generated from the Pine Grove sale of surplus property.  A Facilities Task Force was established in 2013-14 to prioritize and make recommendations for the use of these funds.

Summary of Fund 40 Expenditures:
Revenues:                              $17,019,313.78
Projects Completed:               $1,978,052.57
Projects in Progress:             $2,713,370,64
Board Authorized Projects:    $1,050,698.00
Reserved by the Board:                   $500,000.00
Balance to be Allocated:         $10,777,192,57

X.      Communications
·      Joe – Thank all those who have helped with summer projects.

XI.      Future Agenda Items
·      Matt - Update on where we are with facilities projects

XII.     Adjournment (8:30pm)